Phantom Dust Quick Mode Retrospective

Focused Initial Discussion - Bracket comments are my personal notes written to give a little more context.  

Sandal Enc

I can certainly give suggestions on ones that exist, but if you're considering a possible revamping of Quick, that could be interesting and would require some thought. I'm assuming the goal is not going to be 8 highly competitive arsenals. Instead aiming for more variety of skills. By having pre… [I don’t have the rest of whatever I wrote here] 

1v1 dueling is rough in PD. There are a handful of bankable stock skills/combos, where a player can reliably land hits against an active human opponent. I posit that the majority of the 374 skills are undesirable in 1v1 duels.
(just to be clear, PD's 2v2 tag team is hands down the most fun competitive multiplayer experience I've ever had in a video game - not as balanced as League, certainly - not as funny as TF2 or as polished as Overwatch - but even in 2017 I think PD holds its own against any competitive co-op experience on the market)
That said, Quick mode (if it is to serve as an accessibility/gateway mode for newer players) needs to feature a carefully curated array of builds which are specifically tailored toward preventing stale game-states (while still introducing new players to interesting skill options).

I figure if there are to be quick arsenals, make them staple type decks that people will be able to pick up and understand fairly easily.

For example-

Nature/Psycho Memory of Battle deck with some psycho spears and vacuum slashes. Staple.[which was created]

Nature/Optic Lasers with Heats [ an arsenal was influenced to include those skills ]

Faith/Psycho Couple of acquisitions and skills that benefit from them like Rock Shot, Venom Fang, Demon's Wing  [Outside of Demon's Wing an arsenal was created with Acquisition advantage skills.  ]

Ki/Faith Dragon Slayers/Lacks/Heat from the Void and a Diabolical Trick or two with Flash Holes and Dash [I feel like Bregan123 especially helped with making this arsenal.  I wasn't entirely comfortable with suggesting an arsenal with this much erase in it, thinking it would have perhaps gotten backlash.  I wouldn't have felt comfortable entirely with whether I thought it was good or not either, due to lack of experience/memory of using it.