Phantom Dust Quick Mode Retrospective

Sandal Enc
Doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in updating this mode. It is the first choice of game types on the menu. It's also probably the second most likeliest place newcomers will go to with just a single arsenal made.

I'm still giving this some thought. Initially I thought there could be an interesting change in skill set ups, by limiting the kinds of skills people would have to work with. While I do think an interesting Tag Mode could have emerged from that, I found that the arsenals would just be way too weak in One on One. Since Quick is also One on One and Battle Royale, that wouldn't be good. So I've been trying to think of a variety of relatively strong 1 on 1 arsenals.

One little idea that I've been looking to incorporate into most arsenals is to either have a Thieving Imp, Learning, or Relearn in the arsenals. If you aren't quite feeling your arsenal steal another arsenal's strategy! Maybe even get a nice combo you couldn't do with your current arsenal. Relearns let players flex their arsenals a little more, getting that key move back or getting a sweet double buff. I think it's a neat set up that won't drown out the rest of the arsenal's strategy

Other rule: Arsenals will have 4 shields/defensive moves. A few exceptions maybe made to have only 3 shields and a semi defensive move.( like Levitate could be) Learnings are not counted as being one of the 4 defenses.

Environmentals Only three Environmentals are put in and only 3 arsenals have one. They are Optimization, Lunar Force, and Nature's Blessing. This is done mostly out of consideration of hanging's effect. They can add some novelty, focus on power, and alright Nature's Blessing's mostly there because it's cheap and doesn't have a drastic effect and is easy to fit in an arsenal.

Obviously I've had to make cuts from the original quick arsenal sets. So here's a list of cuts being considered. Let me know if they better get back in an arsenal:

Psycho Kinesis – The limited space given for a skill that isn’t even going to work at some stages.( a bit of a crowd pleaser though)

Bomb Shot – Not enough bang for its costly buck. Psycho Sniper currently in. Big Bomb in an arsenal.

Dhampir Fang / Claw – No accuracy
Laser – While cheap, the other lasers have better speed and accuracy and are still cheap to use.
Trench Mortar – Bad Accuracy. Pales in comparison to laser cousins.
Aura Leak – Aura Backflow is far more effective for Quick Mode.
Root of Tree – Fang of Tree does its job better mostly. Venom Fang and other crawlers will also likely figure in arsenals.
Bomb – Could still get in but Rock Shot unfortunately outclasses it in versatility and power. Big bomb currently in an arsenal.
Hell’s Fire – Anyone using this really wants to just use Fire of Gehenna more when you get down to it.

Hyper Ki Lance – Not a bad skill but seems like other school power moves tend to outshine it.(And all schools are 2 schools in this mode. Could still make it in...)
Splashdown – An ok move that was cut so other moves could shine.
Double Lasers – We’ve got better laser options available for quick.
Tiger Kick – Nice effect but one use kicks are a little sketchy with Quick's limits.
Ki Bullet – Doesn’t particularly shine in 2 school arsenals.
Ki Lance – Relatively low power for a single use move. Mediocre accuracy.
Interference – A little too little in the grand scheme of things. Other level erasers are being considered.
Giant Slayer – Lack's just much better.
Tiger Slayer – Lack again.
Photon Shower – We’ve already got Killer Satellite and Firestorm for some rain. Tends to pale in comparison to other Optical long range moves like lasers.
Ice Storm – Too little reward, there are other rain moves that have taken its slot. (Fire Storm, Lightning Bolt) Ice sword is also in arsenals.

Aside from attack power and accuracy, I’ve been hesitant in applying stat buffs, haven't quite shaken out how many arsenals will be running around with Neutralization, Angel Tears, Armaros, or Return to Nature:

Speed Up – Seems most likely to get back in.
Burden - Could this get too abusive? Depends on concentration of stat resetters I guess.
Pressure – Not bad, Dazzle tends to fill in for it in this mode. I know its much cheaper but cuts have to come somewhere...
Lift up – Dazzle again.

Shields have not been finalized but the following shields have a good chance of removal. Shields most likely to be put back are the shelter ones in this list:

Reflect Shields – Easy Breakability only reflects up to 4 attack power moves. Reverse + About Face fill in for their role in the Quick Scheme.(I know there are some differences but again... cuts needed)
Laser Barrier
Power Shell
Devil’s Arm – Angel’s Wing outclasses it.
Protect Circle
Flash Barrier
Digestion – would be useful for Ki Faith arsenal but, that arsenal doesn’t rely on life losing moves.
Return – Too limited
Crystal Wall

Piece of Fire, Ice – you want in the MoB arsenal? Could still get in…otherwise... meh. Piece of Thunder more useful.

Sign of Saints – Was it wrong to take this out? Should this skill be allowed in a deck with acquisition? Demon's Venom is in one. Should that be allowed in an arsenal with acquisition? At +2 accuracy both moves become undodgeable by jumpers and forces cartwheelers to dodge.( Keep in mind there is an arsenal with acquisitions and Thor's Hammer and Meteor that already benefit from acquisition. They are single use moves though)

High-Speed Punch – Not crazy about the accuracy of the move but it can overwhelm non erase shield blockers. Rapid Cannon is currently in.
Optical Camo – Demon’s Wing is filling in for it.
Tiger Kick – Kind of neat skill but for one use in a quick deck it’s too little.
Celestial Ship – Low accuracy, great paralyze move combo though?